Celebrating Breastfeeding
Happy World Breastfeeding week, through poetic images I’d like to show you how special & magical these photoshoots are.
First I’d like to dedicate this blog post to all parents, for mamas that are milk stations 24/7, for fathers taking care of them, for parents giving the bottle or spoon feeding, for the ones that couldn't breastfeed, for the ones that didn't want to, for the ones that continue even when society is judging them.
You might feel like this is a too intimate moment but think having memories of this feeding journey you shared with your babies. It’s all about feeling comfortable during the photos & doing what you usually do with your baby. By booking a photoshoot with me you get access to my Client’s Closet, I have tasteful dresses for you to feel beautiful & confident.
Breastfeeding is one of the most beautiful things, a special moment, a true complicity between mother & baby without words needed. I love how you have your habits maybe of grabbing hands, holding their little toes or them playing with your necklace / pulling your hair, haha. Everything is in the gaze and the way you bond with each other.
Feeding photoshoots are the most natural, there’s no prior idea other than documenting your routine. There’s no need for a perfect home or a studio space. I do a tour of your home at the beginning of the session and find the pockets of light I’ll use. I move things around so swiftly you won’t notice anything & let the magic happen!
Thank you all my Muses for allowing me in your intimacy to capture such beauty.
I’m dreaming of gathering a dozen of mothers & babies and capture the group in the wild moors, stay tuned for a shoot in a few months!!